Hei👋 Jeg er Bjørnar Hagen, software engineer.



Født og oppvokst i Larvik, Norge. Bor i Sandefjord med min fantastiske kone og vår søte hund.

I’ve always loved building and taking things apart, so when I at a young age was introduced to computers, it didn’t take very long before I was taking them apart and learning about how they worked. When I was 14 I saved up scholarship money originally ment for school equipment to instead buy computer parts so I could build my first desktop computer. Once I had built the computer I started learning about code and software. I was instantly facinated with the web technologies and building websites. Since then I’ve learnt more and more about programming and different software techologies.

When I’m not in front of the computer I love hiking, gaming and losing money on stocks and crypto :)



I learnt HTML, CSS, JS and PHP through self study and got a few gigs through some close friends. Later on I got my first real job as an apprentice at Optimale Systemer in Larvik. Around the same time I met my now wife, we started the company Datahjelpen together so we could take on extra jobs outside of work and school.

After 2 years at Optimale Systemer I had learned a lot and considered myself a full-stack web developer, though still very much a junior. I then moved to Halden to start my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Østfold College University.

3 years later I got my degree and moved to Sandefjord. I started working full-time in Datahjelpen. After about a year, Covid hit and I had to find a more stable job as no one was really willing to start new projects at the time. That is how I ended up at Adstate, where I currently work. I still run Datahjelpen, though it’s more of a hobby as of right now.

Work experience

  • Adstate

    Full-stack developer

    2020 ⟶ present

  • Datahjelpen

    CEO, developer & designer

    2016 ⟶ present

  • Optimale Systemer


    2014 ⟶ 2016

Devloper experience

  • HTML
  • JS, ES6, NodeJS
  • React, Vue, Angular
  • PHP, Wordpress, Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • Docker, k8s, Helm

Other experience

  • Figma
  • Photoshop