

This page tells you what I'm up to these days.

🔐 River Security

After 4+ years at Adstate I have started working for at a new place: River Security.

River Security is a cybersecurity firm that specialices in attack surface management and continuous penetration testing.

I’m really excited to join the team, and I’m currently just learning how all the bits and pieces of their solution fit together.

✨ Sauna Booking

Working on a side project with some friends:


👨‍💻 Hono and HTMX

Trying out these technologies; I’m very excited about HTMX. It’s proving to be an efficient and low-complexity, yet powerful way to build web apps, using templating and server-side rendering instead of high-complexity JS components with mixed client/server rendering and hydration. Not to mention how much easier state management is on the server.

🐧 Linux

I’ve started exclusivly using Linux on my all machines, specifically Pop!_OS. Linux seems to be better as an everyday OS than ever before, especially with Steam’s compatability tool for Windows programs and games.

🥷🤖 NieR:Automata Ver1.1a

Currently watching this show on Crunchyroll

🥃 Råstoff - Salty Caramel

Drinking this